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In the news


An Avian Cymbeline

For her English Senior Capstone Project, UC Merced student Amber Lopez created their own ecocritical adaptation of Shakespeare’s Cymbeline!


It’s Shakespeare for the birds… literally! All the characters are transformed into avian species.


And this amazing project got picked up by the renowned Shakespeare ecocritical scholar Randall Martin here! Check it out!

Fidele's Burial Song

Coldplay meets Shakespeare…Wait, what?!


That’s right: UC Merced English students Serena Johnson and Sierra McCormack combined lines and music from Coldplay’s “Yellow” and John Denver’s “Annie’s Song” to create a beautiful burial song for Shakespeare’s Cymbeline. The project was born from Professor Katie Brokaw’s English Senior Capstone course and got written up on the Cymbeline Anthropocene! Check it out here!

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