“Communication is nothing more than the exchange of information. Hence, at its broadest sense, environmental communication is necessary for the survival of every living system, be it an organism, an ecosystem, or a social system.”
-Alexander G. Flo (Environmental Communication, 2004)
The interdisciplinary field of environmental humanities weaves together research from the natural, applied, and social sciences with storytelling, art, creativity, and community building. It values indigenous ways of knowing as well as non-human perspectives.
Dolor, o luz oscura
Jennifer Ramirez Rodriguez’s art piece was inspired by reading the Quechua poem “Al Gran Inca Atahualpa” which we read in the Spanish translation by José María Arguedas.
In the first stanza of the poem, the narrator asks, “¿Qué arco iris es este negro arco iris / que se alza…?” This rhetorical question is also an oxymoron: how can a rainbow be black?
Using these lines as her starting point, Jennifer created her canvas. She writes, “La mayor parte es negro, y la otra pequeña parte está compuesta de diferentes colores. El propósito es porque cuando uno ya no tiene ganas de vivir, o por un dolor inquebrantable, uno se encuentra deprimido. Aunque la vida sigue, una barrera, la línea oscura negra, existe que impide a los colores, a la felicidad entrar. Igualmente, el proceso es difícil de superar, depende de cada persona en como poder superarse.”